Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Mission To Temerloh : Update

TEMERLOH: Latest Info

Briefing – 28 December 2007 (Friday), 3.00pm
Departure – 29 December 2007 (Saturday), morning
Back to KL – 31st December 2007 (Monday), afternoon
Debriefing – 1st January 2008 (Tuesday), 12 noon

Base camp
Rumah Bakti Semantan, Temerloh

Cleaning and re-setup four houses, public library, a school, and ICT center.
Distribution of donated items

Tentative Program
Day 1 – 29 Dec 2007 (Saturday)
09.00 - 10. 00 Gather at Salam Hq and Depart in convoy
12.00 – 13.00 Arrival and check in at Base Camp
13.00 – 14.00 Gather at Sekolah At Takwa Temerloh for lunch and gotong royong
A launch ceremony by YB Dato' Hj Mohd Sarit Hj Yusoh, MP Temerloh and
Dato’ Saifuddin, Board Member of Yayasan Salam Malaysia
14.00 – 18.00 Gotong royong
18.00 – 20.00 Dinner at Rumah Bakti Semantan
20.00 – 21.00 Debreifing and planning for next day activities
22.00 Rest

Day 2 – 30 Dec 2007 (Sunday)
07.00 – 08.00 Breakfast
08.00 – 09.00 Morning briefing and break up to small teams and transfer to work sites
09.00 – 13.00 Gotong royong and distribution of donated items
Team 1 - Setup Lebak ICT Center
Team 2 - Continue work at Sekolah At Takwa
Team 3 - Temerloh Public Library
Team 4 - Old Folks home 1 Kg Bangau
Team 5 - Old Folks home 2 Seri Kerinau
Team 6 - Old Folks home 3
Team 7 - Old Folks home 4
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch at sites
14.00 – 17.00 Continue gotong royong
18.00 – 20.00 Dinner at Rumah Bakti Semantan
20.00 – 21.00 Debreifing and planning for next day activities
22.00 Rest

Day 3 – 31 Dec 2007 (Monday)
07.00 – 08.00 Breakfast
08.00 – 09.00 Morning briefing and break up to small teams and transfer to work sites
09.00 – 13.00 Gotong royong and distribution of donated items
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch at sites
14.00 – 15.00 Cleaning and packing at Base camp
16.00 – Return to KL

Personal Needs & Sanitation
Please consider these items to be prepared... :-

1. Copy of your IC
2. Some Pocket Money (around RM100 may be sufficient)

1. Light clothing.
2. Long sleeved cotton shirts/t-shirts & Cargo Pants (Advised to keep yourself covered at all times as there is a threat of communicable diseases)
3. Undergarments/Disposables
4. Towel, Blanket
5. Safety Boots & Slippers
6. Sufficient socks

1. Wet Wipes / Baby Wipes.
2. Toilet Paper – rudimentary toilets
3. Toiletries/ Deodorant/ Anti Perspiring
4. Baby Lotion/ Moisturizers/Lip Gloss/Sunblock/Disinfectant Gel/ Insect Repellent/ Antiseptic Solutions
5. Bag Pack/ Day Bag
6. Cap

1. Personal Medication and first aid available

1. Sleeping Bag – Please bring your own. In Carrefour it’s around RM25.
2. Advisable to bring your own foldable bed (army bed)
3. Note Pad/ Small Journal
4. Lighter (for cooking)
5. Dust Mask/ Respirator
6. Personal Torchlight
7. Swiss Army Knife – if you have
8. Personal supplies of comfort food e.g. rendang, 3 in 1 coffee, energy bars, cili padi, belacan etc.
9. Small Quran/Bible/ Prayer Books – important to be strong spiritually
10. Comfort Stuff e.g. story book, family photo, card game, etc.

Please register yourself at or you may download the Application Form at and fax it to 03 79584031 or email to

Tsunami - Air Mata Masih Menitis

Hari ini genaplah 3 tahun peristiwa tsunami yang melanda Lautan India pada 24 Disember 2004. Bencana terbesar dalam alaf baru itu telah mengorbankan beratus ribu orang di Sumatera, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia , Afrika dan beberapa negara lain. Selain itu, ia turut memusnahkan harta benda dan juga merubah sedikit kedudukan benua Asia.

Hari ini, tangisan tsunami masih lagi kedengaran dengan luka yang masih berdarah. Acheh, yang menjadi sasaran utama tsunami itu masih belum pulih sepenuhnya. Bukan sekadar kemusnahan fizikal yang perlu dipulihkan tetapi juga dari segi pembangunan kemanusiaan. Berpuluh ribu anak yatim mengharapkan pembelaan dan perlindungan.

Tsunami juga turut mengubah sikap kita terhadap semangat tolong-menolong. Peristiwa tsunami menyaksikan bantuan terbesar yang dihulurkan oleh orang-ramai untuk mangsa-mangsa yang memerlukan dari segi material dan bantuan emosi. Sehingga kini, bantuan masih disalurkan beberapa tempat termasuk Acheh. Bencana lain yang menyusul selepas itu seperti gmpa bumi di Nias, Iran dan Jokjakarta mendapat reaksi positif dan segera dari negara lain dan juga organisasi sukarela seluruh dunia. Malah, bencana banjir di Malaysia pada tahun lepas dan tahun ini juga mendapat perhatian segera dari rakyat seluruh negara.

Kehebatan tsunami 2004 bukan sahaja dari segi kekuatan dan kemusnahannya, tetapi turut mengubah pandangan kita terhadap kerja sukarela. Sejak peristiwa itu,sikap kerajaan Malaysia terhadap pembangunan kesukarelaan juga turut berubah. Disebalik kesengsaraan yang datang, ada juga kegembiraan disebaliknya. Diharap, pandangan dan pemahaman orang ramai dan kerajaan tentang kerja sukarela tidak tertumpu kepada bantuan bencana semata-mata. Ini kerana, kerja sukarela itu merangkumi skop yang sangat luas.

Kepada semua yang membantu mangsa tsunami 2004, diucapkan jutaan terima kasih dan teruskan membangunkan kesukarelaan di Malaysia.

-Pak Cipan-

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Salam Flood Relief Missions

Next Two Missions planned:

Temerloh, Pahang (29 – 31 Dec 2007)
Base camp: Balairaya Taman Seri Semantan
Activities: Cleaning of two old folks homes and a school
Cleaning and re-setup our ICT Center in Lebak
Distribution of donated items
Contacts: En Shahriman, Volunteer Coordinator Pahang,
Transport: Carpool
Target no of volunteers: 30

Pekan, Pahang (5 – 7 Jan 2008)
Base camp: Balairaya or Old folk’s home
Activities: Cleaning of two schools
Distribution of donated items
Meals: Prepare our own food
Contacts: En. Zainal Mat Yassin, Tok Penghulu Pekan 1,
Rizal Mustafa, ADO Pekan, Tel:
District Office: Tel: 09- 4211 777 Fax: 09-4211 751
Transport: Carpool
Target no of volunteers: 30

For more info, please call Nal Azri at 03 79584021 or hp 012 6225517

Please register yourself at or you may download the form at and fax it to 03 79584031 or email it to

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Mission: Temerloh Pahang 1

Date: 29 - 31 Dec 2007

Base Camp: Balairaya Taman Seri Semantan

Tasks for volunteers:

1. Cleaning of old folks home in Taman Seri Keningau, Kg Pangsa Enam and a school - Sek Agama AlMukmin, Temerloh

2. Assisting the distribution of dry food/packed food to returnees.

3. Logistic support to the team - Cooking, cleaning, and listening to their stories....

Mission briefing: 28 Dec @ 3.00 pm at Salam Hq

Mission departure: 29 Dec at 9.00 am

For more info please call En. Nal Azri at 012 6225517 or Pn Nooraini at 012 3041162

You may register yourself at

You may also download the registration form and fax to 03-79584031 or email to

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Flood Relief Mission

Calling on volunteers to assist in our flood relief missions in Pahang. Forthcoming mission is scheduled from 29 Dec to 31 Dec, in Temerloh.

Your mission will be to distribute food items, help in cleaning public places and homes and be ready to play games with kids at relief centers.

Please register yourself at

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Berbuka Puasa Bersama Adik-Adik Solehah

Salam Semua,

Program Rumah Solehah akan diadakan pada :-

Hari :- Sabtu
Tarikh :- 15 September 2007
Masa :- 11.00 pagi - Selesai Solat Terawih
Tempat :- Rumah Solehah 2

Program kali ini adalah PROGRAM BERBUKA PUASA BERSAMA ADIK-ADIK serta penghuni di sana. Oleh yang demikian, maka semua volunteer perlu mendermakan sebanyak RM 10.00 seorang untuk kos makanan. Kita semua akan masak makanan untuk juadah berbuka puasa.

Sila 'konfemkan' kehadiran anda kepada saya sebelum khamis / 13 September 2007. Dan diharapkan sesiapa yg ingin menyertai program ini, hendaklah menelefon saya di talian 019-6146019.

Sekian, terima kasih.

p/s:- Mazita, awak jadi CHEF yer, pada hari tersebut mcm dulu tue. Hehhehehe.........

-zurina saifuddin- sukarelawan Yayasan Salam Malaysia

Sambutan Diambang Merdeka

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sambutan diambang kemerdekaan ini dianjurkan dan dijayakan oleh sukarelawan Yayasan Salam Sendiri. Atucara yang dirancangkan agak simple, tetapi cukup meriangkan adik-adik Nur Salam termasuk lah para sukarelawan sekali. Antara aktiviti yang dijalankan adalah pertandingan mewarna, nyayian lagu patriotic, kuiz serta permainan.
Banyak juga yang adik-adik kita ni tahu tentang erti kemerdekaan, seronok melihat telatah adik-adik ketika menjawab soalan dari Cikgu Fakri. Mereka juga begitu bersemangat ketika menyanyi.

Saat paling menyeronokkan sudah tentula ketika penyampaian hadiah. Memang kecoh dibuatnye dengan pelbagai ragam kanak-kanak.
Bergaul dengan adik-adik di Rumah Nur Salam memberikan banyak pengalaman baru saya kira untuk diri saya. Paling utama adalah tentang kesabaran dan keikhlasan. Kalau hati tidak benar-benar ikhlas, memang mudah untuk kita hilang sabar. Tetapi apabila memikirkan tentang cabaran dan dugaan yang adik-adik ini perlu tempuhi dalam usia yang sedemikan muda. Apalah sangat penat lelah kami yang tak seberapa pada hari itu.

Mengikut kata Abang Raja Azizan ( Pengurus operasi Pusat Jagaan Nur Salam), khidmat sukarela adalah dialu-alukan sepanjang masa. Oleh kerana jumlah staff di PJNS yang sedikit, para sukarela boleh membantu dalam banyak hal. Jadi pada sesiapa yang berminat, boleh saja menghubungi belia di talian 03-91721533. Anda mampu membawa perubahan.
Sehingga di lain kali.

cikgu fakri sedang beraksi

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Rumah Perantaraan Hospital Kuala Lumpur

Tenaga Sukarelawan Amat Diperlukan!!

Rumah Perantaraan Hospital Kuala Lumpur, disediakan oleh HKL untuk kegunaan ahli keluarga pesakit yang datang dari jauh dan tidak berkemampuan. Ahli keluarga pesakit yang menerima rawatan untuk tempoh lama tinggal di rumah tersebut sehingga pesakit dibenarkan pulang.

Rumah perantaraan ini sangat penting kepada para pesakit supaya pesakit yang menerima rawatan sentiasa dapat dijaga oleh keluarga masing-masing. Ini sekali gus dapat meringankan beban hospital HKL dan keluarga pesakit tersebut.

HKL telah menerima 24 unit rumah baru hasil sumbangan pelbagai pihak untuk dijadikan rumah perantaraan. Sehubungan itu mereka memerlukan sukarelawan untuk membersihkan rumah tersebut sebelum ia boleh digunakan. Maklumat lanjut adalah seperti berikut:-

Tarikh/Hari: 15 April 2007 / Ahad
Masa : 10.00 pagi
Tempat : Flat Desa Rejang
Tugas : Membersihkan Rumah (Rumah Baru)
Makanan dan minuman disediakan !

Sila hubungi Nal (012-6225517) atau Kak Bibi (012-3910567) untuk menyertai atau maklumat lanjut.

Nal Azri Nawawi
Projek Eksekutif
Yayasan Salam Malaysia

Bersama Adik Adik Solehah

Shida sedang terkedu menjawap soalan matematik tahun 4.

Oleh kerana subjek sains begitu memeningkan kepala, Ina dan Jali pura-pura sibuk melayan adik-adik

Jom kita join Shida, Ina dan rakan-akan sukarelawan yang lain untuk memberi tuition kepada adik-adik kita di Rumah Solehah. Marilah berkongsi ilmu disamping memberi semangat dan kasih sayang kepada mereka. Butiran lanjut seperti berikut:

Lokasi : Rumah Solehah, Bandar Tasik Permaisuri, Bandar Tun Razak.KL

Tarikh : 14 April 2007

Tempat berkumpul : Station LRT Bandar Tun Rajak

Waktu : 10pagi (nak datang awal pun tak pe, kita pegi sarapan dulu)

Aktiviti : Tuition dan bermesra dengan adik-adik.

Apa perlu dibawa : Tak ada apa-apa cuma hati yang iklas dan kena asah balik subjek- subjek sekolah rendah.

Keterangan Lanjut Hubungi Shida : 012-4751101
Jumpa anda disana.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Don’t know how to spend your weekend?

why not try one of these three programs happening this weekend:

1) A volunteer exposure program, visiting Pusat Kusta Negara, in Sungai Buloh.
- Saturday, 8am at Salam.
- Call Zakiah at 012-2634235 for more info.

2) Tuition at Rumah Solehah
- Saturday, 9.30am at Rumah Solehah, Cheras
- Call Shida at 012-4751101 for more info.

3) Network wiring works at Sek. Bunga Raya, Hulu Langat
- Saturday, 8.30am at Sek. Bukit Raya, Hulu Langat
- Call Arif at 019-3009614 for more info.

Volunteers are welcome to join us.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Attention Volunteers! Hands-on LAN Wiring Experience

Calling on interested volunteers
Learn and experience a hands-on local area network (LAN) installation work

at Sek Keb Bukit Raya,
Jalan Hulu Langat
on 17 March 2007
from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm (estimate).

Contact En. Arif at asap.

Limited places available. First come first serve basis.

Don't worry about "no experience" because we'll be there to share our skills. You will learn how to:-
1. prepare straight and cross cable using UTP wire
2. use meter cable
3. configure client terminal
4. lay and trunk network cable
5. use RJ45 clamp
6. install Cat5e plug and jack
7. install LAN stwich

Thursday, March 8, 2007



VRC Outstanding Volunteer Award recepients who were absent for the event, PLEASE collect your trophies from Yayasan Salam office as soon as possible.

You have earned it through selfless voluntary service. So, the trophy is yours and it's waiting for you at HQ!

For further details kindly contact Ms. Devi at 79584021.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Program-Program SALAM Sepanjang bulan April 2007

Tarikh / Hari : 1hb (Ahad)
10.00pg - 2.30ptg
U-Bowl, One Utama
Hubungi: Cik Masriah

Tarikh / Hari : 28-30hb (Sabtu - Isnin)
Kg Orang Asli Sg Jang,
Kuala Kubu Bahru (KKB)
Hubungi: Cik Masriah

KSRS Outdoor Activities Programme will have the 1st Outdoor Camp at Kampung Orang Asli Sg. Jang from 28th -30th April 2007.

If your are interested to learn more about the life of orang asli and, are adventurers, pro-active and creative, do join us on the 3 days 2 nights camp.

Venue: Kampung Orang Asli, Kuala Kubu Bahru, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Duration: 28th April 2007 (Saturday) to 30th April 2007 (Monday)
Cost: RM 100.00/pax

Cost includes: transportation, food (6 meals), accommodation (exclude sleeping bag), gift & souvenir for orang asli, other necessities during the camp;\

Participants to bring their own items as follows:
Torch light;
Sleeping Bag;
Trekking shoes;
wind breaker for night time;
Insect repellent;
Fork & spoon;

For registration, please contact:-

Masriah Dahlan - 0135749083 or 03-79584021;
Mohd. Shokie - 017-6071868;
Setow Chi - 012-5289027;

Payment could be done by CASH or BANK IN to Yayasan Salam Malaysia (Public Bank a/c no: 3072879302)

Pertandingan Bowling SALAM

Salam Sejahtera, Salam Perpaduan...

Sila maklum bahawa Kelab Sukan, Seni & Rekreasi SALAM (KSSRS) akan menganjurkan satu Pertandingan Bowling SALAM dan penyertaan adalah terbuka kepada para sukarelawan SALAM atau sesiapa sahaja yang berminat.

Berikut adalah butiran lanjut berkaitan program:-

Tarikh/Hari : 1 April 2007 / Ahad
Masa : 10.00pg - 2.30ptg
Tempat : U-Bowl, One Utama, Bandar Utama PJ

Yuran Pendaftaran: RM20 seorang + Kasut (sila bawa bersama stokin sendiri)
Hadiah-Hadiah: Tempat Pertama - Kelima
Pemain Terbaik Lelaki/Wanita
Cabutan Bertuah!!

Pendaftaran dan bayaran penyertaan boleh dibuat dengan datang terus ke pejabat SALAM atau pada hari pertandingan. Tarikh Tutup penyertaan adalah pada 26 Mac 2007 / Isnin.

Pertanyaan dan maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi Cik Masriah di talian 03-79584021 / 013-3819063.

Jumpa Kalian di sana.. sana.. saaana.....

Friday, March 2, 2007

SALAM Events Scheduled for March 2007

Date : 3 - 4 March
Basic Volunteer Training
Central Zone
Contact : Zakiah

Date : 9 - 11 March 2007
Motivation Camp
Sek. Keb. Bukit Raya
Ulu Langat
Contact: Zakiah or Masriah

Date : 17 March 2007
Volunteer Exposure Program
Pusat Kusta Negara
Sg. Buloh
Contact : Zakiah

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Media Coverage

Rakan-Rakan Salam Budiman,

Sila maklum bahawa artikel/perkembangan berkaitan aktiviti SALAM kerap disiarkan di dalam majalah Yellow Post.

Untuk mendapatkan keluaran-keluaran majalah tersebut secara PERCUMA, kalian boleh mengambilnya di semua rangkaian Coffee Bean, TM Point, Fitness First, Focus Point dan Burger King sekitar Lembah Kelang.

Satu lagi makluman, terdapat satu artikel berkaitan SALAM Kuching di ruangan Fokus dalam Majalah Nur. Dapatkannya di pasaran...

Pertanyaan dan Makluman lanjut, sila hubungi Cik Masriah.

Dear volunteers,

SALAM news is often featured in TM's Yellow Post, free magazine.

You can collect the issue every friday at major Coffee Bean, TM Point, Fitness First, Focus Point
and Burger King outlets in Klang Valley.

Karangkraf also recently featured an article in majalah Nur for Mac issue.

For more info please refer to Cik Masriah.

Bulletin SALAM

SALAM will be publishing newsbulletin (newsletter) twice a year ;

one in June
and another in December.

The newsbulletin will highlight volunteers activities, events and projects.

Volunteers are encouraged to send in their project reports and stories for publishing. Providing photographs will be great.

For further info, call any one of SALAM staff.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007



The third convoy to Johor, consisting of more than 100 members, were broken into smaller groups, each deployed to undertake different tasks at specific destinations. The teams comprised of the indispensable MARES team and Nationwide Express Services, the hardy MAS backpackers club members, NSTP, JPA3 and self motivated individuals from well known corporate companies (a credit to their employers) who registered as SALAM volunteers. Others included teams from Alami Group, HUKM, UITM Shah Alam, and Politeknik Dungun. These had their deployment rescheduled as the number of volunteers were too large and would cause difficulties in terms of logistic arrangements.

The core team had looked completely exhausted at the last mission de-briefing session and yet within the next few days they were mobilized and ready for the next trip south. The targeted areas this time were Sri Medan and Parit Sulong both located in Batu Pahat. The latter group, comprised of 31 Alami Group and SALAM volunteers, headed for Kota Tinggi on Monday 22 January.

It is important to acknowledge the parties who have sacrificed their time and effort for people they know not. Special thanks to staff whom did not wait for their companies to act but pooled their resources to contribute towards the relief mission. It is encouraging to know that among the care-less there still are caring people in our society who do rise to the occasion.

Behind-the-scenes volunteers were also crucial in ensuring that the flood victims received the aid they needed. SALAM acknowledges and appreciates the invaluable help provided by KPMG staff and the kids from the PJ German School who at short notice once again did the hard work of sorting and packing the large amount of goods from donors.

Last but not least, SALAM thanks the media, the editors and journalists, who published the sincere endeavors of a bunch of volunteers. There is hope for the human race yet!

Those wanting to participate in the relief work may donate school uniforms, school shoes, stationery, ladies undergarments and toiletries and dry food items may contact our relief secretariat at the address below.

Cash donations to Yayasan Salam Malaysia is tax exempted.

No 8, Jalan Utara,
46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel: 03-79584021 Fax: 03-79584031

Please download our location map at

You may also opt to bank in your donation into our account :

Name: Yayasan Salam Malaysia
Account: 3072879302
Bank: Public Bank Bhd

Main Contact Persons:
1. En. Nal Azri Nawawi – Project Executive (012-6225517)
2. Ms. Sharmini Sugunan - Project Executive (012-2614990)
For on site coverage, contact :
Mission Leader : Nal Azri (012-6225517)
Team Leader : Sharizad (0177338676)

If either person is already engaged, kindly speak to anyone who is free to take your call.

On site photos will be made available as soon as possible.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Tan Sri Nuraizah and Encik Ghani

Datuk Mustapha Ma and Abdul Rahman

International Volunteer 2003 -2005 to Laos, Iriyani Zulkifli with hubby

Line Dancing


Lam Wai Leong, Vellasamy and Saadiah

Our fair ladies

Rafie, Hilmi and Razzi

Iriyani Zulkifli sharing on her expererience in Laos

Looking smart and sharp, Madam Floor Manager, Masriah Dahlan

Capt. Bala of MVFRA

Lt. Anita Lim of MVFRA

Encik Ghani delivering his welcome address

Jabez John, volunteered in bandar Acheh disaster

Getting ready for the function

Full house

Particpating in VRC for the first time, Zakiah Ahmad with her team from Sarawak

Razali anf Fikri


Yayasan SALAM Malaysia held their Volunteer Recognition Ceremony at the Hotel Singgahsana Petaling Jaya recently. The main purpose is this annual event is to acknowledge, appreciate and reward the invaluable time, effort and selfless giving of the foundation’s volunteers towards community service, development and empowerment. It is also in tandem with World Volunteer’s Day which falls on the 5th of December of each year.

Volunteers received certificates of appreciation and souvenirs in the following categories;
1. Active Volunteers
2. Outstanding Volunteers
3. Full Time Volunteers
4. International Volunteers
5. Participating organizations in SALAM’s Volunteer Week 2006 Celebration
“This is a significant event for our volunteers. Often, society overlook or take for granted the service rendered by volunteers. Little recognition is given to their contribution and commitment ~ they seem to be ‘invisible’ to the public. We are here today to celebrate SALAM’s greatest asset – our volunteers”, said Executive Director, Encik Ghani Ibrahim.
SALAM volunteers serve with outstanding commitment and show genuine love for needy communities, working with the disabled, orphans, cancer patients, drug addicts in rehabilitation and HIV positive patients as well as abused children.

SALAM Chairman, Tan Sri Razali Ismail said, “We are truly privileged that SALAM is able to play a role, although I admit sometimes a small role, in facilitating and empowering our young people to become active citizens of change, committed to making the world a better place ~ creating a brighter present and a hopeful future.”

Yayasan SALAM Malaysia is a non-profit organization founded in 1997 with the primary objective of promoting and strengthening domestic and international voluntarism. For further information call 79584021 or log on to :

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Second Flood Relief Convoy to Johor

Teenagers (14 -15 years) get the ball rolling with the packing and loading as Sr. Executive Nooraini (SALAM) looks on

Pre-departure Mission briefing at SALAM Malaysia

KPMG staff giving a helping hand

Nationwide Corporate Comm.

Left to right: Mr. Ghani Ibrahi (SALAM), Ms. Rosie (Nationwide Express), Mr Johan (KPMG, partner) & Mr. Sharizad (MARES)

Mr Beyer and student volunteers, PJ German School


12th January 2007 (Wednesday), Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Yayasan SALAM Malaysia, together with Malaysia Amateur Radio Emergency Service (MARES), Nationwide Express Service (Nationwide), MAS Backpackers (MAS BPKC), KPMG Malaysia (KPMG), TN Engineering Corporation (TNEC) and Civil Defense (JPA3) will deploy a volunteer relief mission to the flood devastated areas in Batu Pahat, Johor, from 12 to 15 January 2007.

The objectives of this mission:-
To distribute relief items to flood victims especially to those remote places
To assist returnees to settle in by cleaning their houses and common places
To survey and identify further assistance for future missions

Nationwide Express Service is sponsoring the shipment of relief items for this humanitarian mission. They also place their volunteers to participate in the operation. Belia 4B Sri Gading allocated Wisma Belia Batu Pahat as our base camp through out the operation. JPA3 will assist in convoy arrangement and security and also to provide logistical support on the ground.

Volunteers from SALAM, MAS Bacpackers, KPMG, MARES and a few other agencies were mobilized to assist returnees in cleaning and minor rehabilitation work in public places and private homes. An operation center has been established at Wisma Belia Batu Pahat to provide logistical support and coordinate volunteers’ work. More than 80 volunteers registered with expectation of more. The volunteers’ main tasks include clearing debris and mud in public areas and homes, handling minor repair works and distribution of clothes and food items to flood victims.

The tentative target areas are Sri Medan and Parit Sulong, Batu Pahat.

Those wanting to participate in the relief work or, donate clothes (school uniforms), stationery, ladies undergarments and toiletries and some dry food items may contact our relief secretariat at the address below.

Cash donations to Yayasan Salam Malaysia is tax exempted.

No 8, Jalan Utara,
46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel: 03-79584021 Fax: 03-79584031

You may bank in your donation into our account as follows:-
Name: Yayasan Salam Malaysia
Account: 3072879302
Bank: Public Bank Bhd

Contact Persons:

1. Pn Nooraini Khaironi – Senior Project Executive (012-3041162)
2. En. Nal Azri Nawawi – Project Executive (012-6225517)

For further information please contact Ms. Sharmini Sugunan.

For on site coverage:
Here is the list of on-site contact persons:

Mission Leader : IZZAT (MARES)
Team Leader : Nooraini (SALAM)

On site photographs of mission to Segamat are available at

Thursday, January 11, 2007

First Flood Relief Convoy to JOHOR

Mission Brief at SALAM
Banding together: Nationwide Express, SALAM, MAS, MARES and KIOKU (donors)
We began collection of goods and mobilization prep on 25 December 2006. The first team was deployed on 28 December. SALAM thanks all parties who were directly and indirectly involved in making the mission a success. On site photos may be viewed at http:/